From Vulnerabilities to Business Risks

Proactively Manage IT Weaknesses with XRATOR Operator. Before vulnerabilities escalate into crises, take control using XRATOR’s automated tracking to maintain comprehensive visibility across all assets, including cloud and on-premises. Empower your executive leaders with clear, business-aligned metrics that communicate cybersecurity achievements and align IT strategies with organizational objectives.

XRATOR Operator interfaces.

The XRATOR Operator Journey


1. Scan, Integrate and process data

We continously scan and integrate data from all network assets, processing it for comprehensive visibility and vulnerability assessment.

XRATOR | Conquer your risk

2. Prioritize by Business Impacts

Evaluate vulnerabilities using integrated threat intelligence and specific business impacts to highlight critical problems.
Pentest - Internet of Things

3. Visualize Risk Propagation

Visualize how vulnerable assets propagate risk across your network, identifying potential security breach paths.


4. Track Remediation

Track manual and automated remediation projetcs, ensuring vulnerabilities are addressed efficiently and effectively.

Why XRATOR Operator

XRATOR Operator delivers a direct, effective cybersecurity solution, designed for businesses that need to prioritize. Our platform reduces cybersecurity complexity, aligns with your business goals, and directs resources effectively. It’s built to enhance your cyber defense without burdening your team, offering clear insights and actionable steps for risk management. Ideal for executives seeking a no-nonsense approach to protect against digital threats with minimal operational impact.

 Choosing XRATOR for SMBs is clear-cut: it prioritizes cyber threats based on actual business impact, streamlining cybersecurity management. Its integrated approach combines vulnerability management and cyber risk quantification, specifically designed for mid-sized businesses. This enables efficient resource allocation, ensuring that efforts are focused where they matter most. XRATOR simplifies cybersecurity, aligns with your business goals, and enhances resilience—making it an obvious choice for any SMB aiming to secure their operations with minimal fuss.

Strategize, Prioritize, Act

With XRATOR Operator, empower your organization to discover, prioritize, and remediate vulnerabilities in a way that aligns with your business strategy. It empowers IT and Cybersecurity specialists to easily communicate their achievement to the executive level.

Insufficient Defenses Against Attackers

Full Attack
Surface Visibility

Unveil your attack surface.
Gain full visibility on your internal and external assets, uncovering vulnerabilities and getting a cyberscore for each.



Align cybersecurity with strategy. Leverage the unique fusion of RBVM and CAASM to prioritize vulnerabilities based on their impact on your business goals.



Turn vulnerabilities into opportunities.
Focus your efforts where it matters most to your business strategy, turning remediation into improvements.

Experience the power of fusion

Blending Risk-based Vulnerability Management (RBVM) and Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) for a comprehensive, business-centric cybersecurity approach.

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Cyber Asset Discovery

A comprehensive scan identifies all your internal and external assets. Be it on-premise, cloud, or OT, get a full inventory with rich metadata and correlations.

Pentest - Radio Frequency

Single Source of Truth

Fusion of RBVM and CAASM, get all your assets and their vulnerabilities in one place. Have a single source of truth, avoid juggling multiple tools.

Reduce attack costs

Tailored Risk Scoring

Assign unique cyber scores to each asset, considering its vulnerabilities and its business importance , using our in-built Business Impact Assessment.
vulnerability priorization

Intelligent Prioritization

Our AI-driven platform enables prioritization of vulnerabilities based on your specific business goals and risk appetite.

Actionable Remediation

Translates vulnerabilities into actionable tasks. Work with precise, step-by-step remediation advice and achieve practical cybersecurity improvements.

Reporting and Analytics

Generate insightful, tailored reports for different stakeholders – be it IT, management, or auditors. Communicate effectively and demonstrate compliance.

Cyber Business Value for SMBs

XRATOR Operator stands out by integrating Risk-Based Vulnerability Management and Cyber Risk Quantification within a comprehensive Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management strategy, specifically catering to the needs of mid-sized businesses. It simplifies managing digital threats and aligns cybersecurity actions with business priorities, ensuring resources are focused on the most critical areas. This approach offers a pragmatic solution for executives who prioritize efficiency and effectiveness in their cybersecurity efforts, aiming to enhance cyber resilience with minimal operational disruption.

XRATOR Operator integrated approach simplifies Risk-Based Vulnerability Management, Cyber Risk Quantification, and Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management in one centralized interface, streamlining the process to prioritize threats based on their business impact and collaborate between stakeholders. This strategic alignment enables businesses to efficiently allocate resources to the most critical vulnerabilities, enhancing cyber resilience while minimizing operational disruptions. XRATOR Operator simplifies complex cybersecurity tasks, ensuring businesses remain secure, compliant, and focused on their core operations.